Saturday, January 22, 2022

Favourite Photos

I often say that my favourite photo is yet to be taken.....but maybe it was taken near 100 years ago?

I received my first camera in 1978, to take on a school 'train trip' from Stratford to Swan Hill (Victoria, Australia) and return.   Although those first photos were terrible (blurred and on an angle with no thought about composition), I was addicted, and have been taking photos ever since.

Was it that school train trip that inspired my love of taking photos (recording memories) or was it genetic?  Although I knew that my maternal grandmother was keen on 'taking snaps', I did not realise that she had real talent and had been taking photos since her teens.  It was only after she died in 2006, that I became aware of some of her photo albums.  The earliest of Gran's photos were taken in 1927 when she would have been 17 years old, and continued until her later years.

One of Gran's earliest photos, which was taken with her Box Brownie. 
Gran took many wonderful photos of farm life. 
1927 Edna Pilgrim on Kit, Hazel Pilgrim on Benny with Joker the dog

I have just realised another similarity to my grandmother; I carry my camera around with me often too. 
There are many photos of gran with her box brownie in her hand (which I now own).
Future generations will also see many photos of me with my camera in hand!

There are many wonderful photos in my grandmother's albums, which give a fantastic insight into a different time.  I am not sure now where the below photo came from, but I believe that it came from my Great Aunty Mavis' photo albums. It has always appealed to me and is the background for this blog. I don't know when it was taken or where, but it speaks to me of a different time. It may not be of great quality but look closely as there is so much detail in this photo.  For me, it tells a story, but it also makes me wonder.......

What stories does this photo bring to mind?
What questions arise?
How does it make you feel?

The photo below is another of my favourites.  Look at the size of those horses!  Even the chook in the background is big! Does anyone recognise the hill in the background? Could this be taken on Lloyd Street, Moe?

Mary and Ambrose Walker with grandaughter Phyllis
The horses are Silver and Buzz
Late 1920s or early 1930s
According to the Electoral Roll, they lived at Lloyd Street, Moe, Victoria


This is the third post of the 52 ancestors in 52 weeks challenge.  
This weeks prompt is "Favorite Photo" but I could not limit it to one!


  1. I've been out of touch with your blog. Black & White phots from ages ago always look to have so much more atmosphere about them. The horse looks like they could be Clyesdale Horses

  2. Thank you for visiting. I haven't been blogging for a while as I have been busy exploring Queensland and taking photos :)
